If you just want to take a quick break from the platform, you should check out our post on how to temporarily disable Instagram. In this case, you have an option to deactivate the account whenever you deem fit. As opposed to permanently deleting it. Permanently deleting your account means that your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will also be permanently removed. So, it’s best to think this through very well before making the move. This post takes you through how to delete your Instagram account and what happens when you do. You should follow the steps outlined below. READ MORE: How to See People That Share Your Posts on Instagram.

How to Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account

Follow the steps below to permanently delete your account on Instagram. Step 1: Log in to your Instagram account via the web. Step 2: Once logged in, go to the Delete Your Account page from the web. Again, this page is not available on the app. Step 3: Select an option from the dropdown menu that asks “Why are you deleting your account?” Re-enter your password to continue. Step 4: Click on the red “Permanently delete my account” button at the bottom of the page.

What Happens When You Delete Your Instagram Account

A couple of things happen when you take this bold step to delete your account. Find them below.

Instagram explains that after 30 days of your account deletion request, your account and all your information will be permanently deleted, and you won’t be able to retrieve any of your information. This is why it is advisable to download a copy of your information from Instagram before doing this.However, from Instagram’s data policy, copies of your information may remain after the 90 days in backup storage that they use to recover in the event of a disaster, software error, or other data loss event. It is also possible that Instagram keeps your information for things like legal issues, terms violations, or harm prevention efforts.Your Instagram account, profile, posts, stories, after deletion, will not be accessible to any user on the platform. Not even you.

Can You Recover Your Deleted Instagram Account?

No, you cannot recover your deleted Instagram account, according to Instagram’s policy. However, if you temporarily disabled the account, you can recover it. This is why thoroughly thinking this through is highly recommended. There you have steps to delete your Instagram account and what happens afterward. Feel free to use the comment section if there are further questions you need to be answered on this.

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